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The Quasar Lineage Series I never thought I'd end up being abducted by aliens!

I was living my dream, rotating in space around Mars on the Mars Hope Skylab. As the first woman this far into space, I’ve accomplished more in my twenty-eight years of life than most. When things go sideways and aliens board my lab…

I wake from my abduction while being separated from my friends. Sore and groggy, I’m tied to a bed before I realize what’s going on. As the circumstances start to sink in, I fight until I hear a roar of rage. At first, my rescuer scares me…

Before I even wake up from my abduction, I’m “rescued” from the shuttle that crashed here on their prison planet. My rescuer is different though, with mismatched eyes and a language I can’t understand…

Positive thinking, being kind to others, persevering through my illness… those are the cornerstones to my existence. That’s what helped me get through all the medical appointments and the trials…

Abducted from Earth, contracting a deadly disease, getting matched up to an alien I’ve never met… welcome to the chaos that’s my life. Now, I’m on a spaceship traveling to Quasar to get the vaccine I need to survive and meet my future mate…

I’m dying. You’d think the worst thing that happened to me was being abducted from college by aliens. But no. The icing on the cake is I’ve contracted a debilitating disease, and I’ll be dead in the next couple of months.

I’ve been trained to look for and recognize the profit potential in every situation. So when Bren mated to a Human from Earth, I immediately recognized the potential for the future of Quasar. And for my own financial gain…

Happily committed and content in my harem, I assume I’m chosen to go after my brother Travek due to my faithfulness. I’m not excited to go off-planet, but I’ll serve my council mother and the Sacred Mother in whatever capacity they request…

Sent to the prison planet Dactyles, I’m appointed to clean up the mess created by the Warden. While restructuring the management and ferreting out any of the previous warden’s supporters, I have to supervise the matings of a few lucky males…

As a medical doctor, I interact with Human females regularly. While monitoring their health, I’ve logged all the mating changes religiously. I long for a mate of my own, but I can’t imagine it’ll happen before I’m obligated to return and complete my family commitment…

My mating marks are different. Thicker, more intricate, and covering places on my body no one else’s do, including around my neck like a collar. I’ve always been different and larger than most males. I’m the first of the Mayten Family Line to serve on the Discovery…

I hate my mating marks, and I’m probably the first male to feel this way. I’m a strait-laced historian who learned their lesson growing up. Never go against the family unit. Always back up and defer to your female lead. But now, I’m helping abused males get off Quasar and away from their…

I hate being trapped underground. With the planet Quasar uninhabitable on the surface, my entire life has been spent without sunlight. Since I was born blind, it’s kind of fitting. With my lack of vision and light skin and hair, I represent not only the most unique features of our species, but also the most shunned…